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Protect your network from hidden threat actors.

LiveAction’s encrypted traffic analytics (ETA) fingerprints, maps, and profiles your network and device behavior to protect your network without decrypting it.

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More cyber threats than ever are hiding
in encrypted traffic.

As more network traffic is now encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), it is increasingly difficult for security teams to detect and analyze threats in this traffic. ETA uses machine learning and advanced algorithms to analyze encrypted traffic metadata and behavior and identify threats.

Overcome the encryption hurdle.

ThreatEye combines data collection, advanced behavioral analysis, and machine learning to analyze traffic in real-time, strictly with flow data, to provide the context security teams need.

Encrypted Traffic Threat Detection

66% of organizations rely on traditional cyberthreat tools that cannot detect and respond to encrypted cyberattacks.

ETA identifies threats within encrypted traffic, including malware, command, and control (C&C) communications, data exfiltration, and more without decryption.

Scalable Network Monitoring

Since 2020, the use of encrypted traffic has increased by over 260%.

ThreatEye’s ETA can analyze any volume of encrypted traffic without impacting network speed or performance.

Reduce every compliance risk

ThreatEye offers compliance-specific alerts and reporting to help you meet regulatory requirements for monitoring and analyzing encrypted and unencrypted network traffic.

Supercharge your incident response

ThreatEye identifies and alerts your security team to potential threats in real time, enabling them to respond quickly and effectively to mitigate the impact of an attack.

Get SOC-enabled compliance

ThreatEye correlates and enriches encrypted traffic with details, risk scores, and MITRE ATT&CK labels to help with SOC compliance and accelerate investigation and response.

Trusted by 1000+ of the world’s largest companies.

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Enterprise-Grade Network Observability


Network Protocol Analyzer


Advanced Network Packet-Level Forensics

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Management Solutions.

You have to see it all to secure it all.

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