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Defend every datapoint with deep packet dynamics.

DPD helps ThreatEye detect and block a wide range of cyber threats while minimizing false positives and improving the accuracy of threat detection.

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Unleash the power of DPD for advanced threat detection

ThreatEye’s DPD capabilities help the system analyze network traffic at the packet level, identifying hidden threats that traditional security solutions may miss. With comprehensive security coverage and a user-friendly interface, DPD helps make ThreatEye an essential tool for any organization looking to strengthen its cybersecurity defenses.

Identify and block sophisticated cyber attacks

DPD captures and inspects network traffic at a granular level, analyzing the contents of individual packets in real time.

Dive deeper into packet dynamics

Collect over 150 packet traits

DPD allows ThreatEye to collect over 150 traits and characteristics, including producer/consumer ratio, jitter, RSTs, retransmits, sequence of packet lengths and times (SPLT), byte distributions, connection set-up time, and round-trip time.

Identify data exfiltration

The average time to identify and contain an active data breach is 287 days

The combination of DPD with machine learning detects data exfiltration by understanding application “fingerprints” and analyzing producer-consumer ratios (PCR).

See packet data as it flows

By analyzing packets as they flow through the network, ThreatEye DPD helps detect threats in real time, minimizing the impact of an attack.

Avoid false positives

By examining the contents of individual packets, DPD can distinguish between legitimate and malicious traffic in real-time with fewer false positives than traditional security solutions.

Get comprehensive security coverage

ThreatEye’s DPD technology analyzes network traffic at multiple layers, including the application layer, so that you can detect and block various cyber threats, including malware, phishing attacks, and data exfiltration.

Trusted by 1000+ of the world’s largest companies

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