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Power the proof that
Zero Trust demands.

ThreatEye powers continuous network detection and response (NDR) so SecOps and NetOps teams can consistently evaluate trust.

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Accelerate your journey to Zero Trust.

ThreatEye enhances network security through continuous authentication and authorization of network traffic and access requests, real-time threat detection, rapid response capabilities, and improved compliance. With ThreatEye, you can achieve a higher level of security for your network and reduce the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches.

Take a proactive approach to
Zero Trust.

Continuously evaluate trust in an encrypted environment, without breaking encryption.

Always-On Network Visibility

Organizations that adopt a Zero Trust security model experience 31% fewer security incidents.

With enhanced visibility into network traffic and security events, ThreatEye helps your SecOps team identify potential threats and suspicious activity in real-time. Visibility is critical for implementing a Zero Trust model, where all network traffic must be continuously monitored and analyzed to ensure the highest level of security.

Advanced Security Analytics

Organizations that implemented Zero Trust see an ROI of ~123% over three years.

Advanced analytics and machine learning proactively detect potential threats before they can cause significant harm. By monitoring network traffic in real-time and looking for anomalous behavior, ThreatEye alerts your security team to potential threats and provides detailed information on how to respond.

Maintain a Zero Trust security posture

ThreatEye empowers your security team to respond quickly to potential threats, taking immediate action to prevent any unauthorized access or activity. This rapid response is critical for maintaining a Zero Trust security posture, where all network access requests must be continuously authenticated and authorized.

Demonstrate compliance at all times

Advanced reporting and analytics features enable you to demonstrate compliance with industry regulations and security best practices. This is critical for maintaining a strong security posture and ensuring that sensitive data and intellectual property are protected at all times.

Get your risk closer to zero

By providing enhanced visibility, proactive threat detection, rapid response, and improved compliance, ThreatEye helps you reduce the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches. This is critical for Zero Trust, where the focus is on minimizing risk and ensuring the highest level of security for all network traffic and access requests.

Trusted by 1000+ of the world’s largest companies.

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Get to know LiveAction’s triple threat product suite.


Enterprise-Grade Network Observability


Network Protocol Analyzer


Advanced Network Packet-Level Forensics

Explore other Network Security
Management Solutions.

Zero Trust is Powerful.
So is ThreatEye.

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