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The perfect cyber threat hunting tool doesn’t exi-

ThreatEye gives you the edge in proactive threat hunting so you can quickly and effectively identify and respond to threats.

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Take your threat detection from reactive to proactive.

Following initial access, cyber criminals know how to move laterally across the network and hide their movements within encryption. Proactively hunt for these adversaries and uncover the scope of an attack with ThreatEye, which detects malicious network behavior that traditional defenses miss.

Find bigger and badder threats faster.

Threat hunting and network forensics designed for the way SOC managers like to work.

IOC-Driven Threat Hunting

Organizations without a threat-hunting tool experience over 40% more cyberattacks.  

ThreatEye uses machine learning to correlate multiple attacker actions and recognize indicators of compromise (IOCs) with ease. Automated alerts are risk-scored and MITRE ATT&CK labeled for easy categorization of suspicious activity.

Intelligent Alerts

False positives cost organizations on average $3.38M per year. 

ThreatEye arms your SOC with intelligent alerts powered by ML. These alerts automatically uncover and disrupt attacks. SecOps can click into alerts for deeper packet-level investigation, exploring multiple network layers.

Unbury the root case

Designed to scale, ThreatEye proactively scans your network in real-time. Integrated continuous packet capture offers single-click pivot-to-PCAP SPLT (Sequence of Packet Lengths of Time), so you can dig deep into any issue.

Never investigate the same issue twice

Since ThreatEye stores the packets associated with security incidents, it’s easy to go back to review and analyze the packets from the incident to understand and resolve security issues without starting from square one.

Plug and play with your IT tech-stack

ThreatEye works with almost any network vendor and integrates with your security stack on-premises, in the data center, or across the cloud.

Trusted by 1000+ of the world’s largest companies.

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Get to know LiveAction’s triple threat product suite.


Enterprise-Grade Network Observability


Network Protocol Analyzer


Advanced Network Packet-Level Forensics

Explore other Network Security
Management Solutions.

Happy hunting!

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