/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier */ Government Defense Department Enhances Ability to Detect And Deflect Intruders - LiveAction
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    CUSTOMER TYPE: Defense
    INDUSTRY: Government


    • Acquire better visibility into the traffic traversing the secure network


    • The LiveNX network application management platform


    • Ability to exercise the high-level visibility needed to quickly identify security issues and the granular access required to resolve them


    The defense department of a national government with heightened sensitivity to internal and external military threats had the need to improve traffic management on their secure networks. Given the operational environment, the department required continual deep visibility into their networks to detect and ward off attacks. The asymmetrical nature of cyberwarfare favors the attacker, who can do significant damage with a 1 percent success rate, while the defender must repel 100 percent of the attacks in this high-stakes game.

    The ubiquitous command-line interface commonly used by many network engineers was cumbersome and restricted visibility to the device and port level, much too granular a view to detect and deflect intruders.


    The department selected LiveNX from LiveAction to provide the high-level network-wide visibility required by this special application while supporting the ability to drill down to the flow and interface level for monitoring and intervention when required, all without leaving the ease and flexibility of working in the GUI.

    The LiveNX single-pane-of-glass paradigm enables the ability to monitor and configure the network from a logical or geographical perspective as required, mirroring the mental model from which an engineer visualizes the network. This capability leads to a rapid understanding of the architecture and traffic flow, enhancing the ability to identify trouble spots and correct them.

    LiveAction is uniquely qualified to provide a solution to this market segment because LiveNX was initially developed for the U.S. Department of Defense to manage quality of service for critical traffic for their tactical production networks.


    LiveNX provided the required added level of visibility into traffic for the department to maintain the security of their network.

    “Live NX works! Due to security reasons, nothing more needs to be said.”

    – IT Network Manager for a Government Defense Department

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    About LiveAction®

    LiveAction provides end-to-end visibility of network and application performance from a single pane of glass. We provide enterprises with confidence that the network is meeting business objectives, full network visibility for better decisions, and reduced cost to operate the network.